Walt: A Dreamer, A Doer

Walt: A Dreamer, A Doer

“Never get bored or cynical. Yesterday is a thing of the past.”
-Walt Disney

We often wake up like Cinderella, sighing, “It’s time to start another day…” It’s incredibly easy to become disenchanted with every day work, which leads to a few important questions.

How can we avoid burnout? How can we use our imaginations to stay motivated? Walt’s words may be the key.

1. “Stop talking and begin doing.”

 If you have an idea, write it down, and make it happen. If you dream of baking the perfect crème brule or learning to sew, what’s stopping you from trying? You never know what the creative process will bring. Your crème brule could taste awful, but it could just as easily become a cherished family recipe.  You may not be able to successfully sew a dress, but at least you’ll be able to fix that tear in your spouse’s pants. You thought creatively, and whether or not your endeavor was “successful,” you have something to show for it. Throwing your heart and soul into something is never a waste of time.  Act on your ideas and you will never get bored.

2. “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

Read something to better yourself.  Here are a few recommendations:

If you’re interested in Creativity: The Imagineering Workout or Brainstorm: Unleashing Your Creative Self by Don Hahn (producer of Beauty and the Beast & The Lion King)

If you’re interested in Leadership: Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney

If you’re interested in The Walt Disney Company: Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service

If you’re interested in People: Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination or Moose: Chapters from My Life by Robert B. Sherman (of the songwriting duo, The Sherman Brothers)


3. “When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.”

Let your inner Alice reign, and go somewhere you’ve never been before. Whether it’s a new restaurant, museum, coffee shop, or concert, you never know what you’ll find. Walt once said, “Around here we don’t look backward for very long. We are always moving forward and opening up new doors, because we’re curious, and our curiosity keeps taking us down new paths.” Dig a little deeper, and take a chance.

“Yesterday is a thing of the past.” Spend today getting excited about something.